Saturday, November 2, 2013

Good Deed a Day Project Day 2

Befriend someone new.
Where would we be without our friends? They bring us inspiration, joy, comfort, memories, and so much more. With this being the case who wouldnt want more of these types in your life? Do yourself and someone else a favor and start a new friendship with someone today, who knows where it will take you both.

And whos to say it has to be a person? Any of the earth's creatures will do. 

Photo by Eric Fan

1 comment:

  1. Today I was at a Craft Show selling for my business Artifackt. I love craft shows, such a source of inspiration! There are people selling things they have worked lovingly on, trying to make their small business/ dream a success. Being surrounded by those with similar goals, you can’t help but make a new friend or two at these events. Today I was fortunate enough to make three and reunite with one I have not seen in a year. The three ladies were fellow and “neighbor” vendors. All new to start their business, and excited to grow it. The great thing about this experience besides meeting some amazing women, was that it was an opportunity for us both to learn something from each other. I was able to teach them ways to grow their business and tips for doing shows based on my own personal experience and what I received from one was the overcoming of a fear of doing “big shows”. By that I mean shows with large booth fees. All shows are a risk, you never know if people will be into what you’re selling, and with a large booth fee that risk increases. But after talking to my new friend she reassured me that it was well worth it since she did one and it worked out great. So in summary I got to meet some great people with similar interests that we both provided each other with helpful info.
